Letter from the Secretary-Generals


"When in doubt, look intelligent", is the old adage that has brought the both of us this far. With X-MUN 2024 knocking on our doors, we find ourselves as clueless as we were when we walked into our first committee room, full of as much unjustified bravado as we could muster up. However, with years of experience (wins and losses) under our belts, it is finally our turn to present to you what we perceive as the quintessential MUN experience: the 8th edition of X-MUN.

Every Chairperson at X-MUN has a distinctly different thought process, personality and way of Munning, which is reflected in the diversity of committees this year. From negotiating the political future of Brazil and fighting organized crime across the Americas, we travel right into Margaret Thatcher’s Cabinet to address the issue of terrorism and navigate the murky waters of Middle-Eastern political dynamics while also traversing through the political deadlock in a divided China. This year, X-MUN has it all.

The ability to strive under pressure and all sorts of predicaments, to fight for your views and eloquently articulate them without bias, to fight for the peace that the world desperately requires, X-MUN is an attempt at changing the status quo of not only an individual's values but also the distressing state our world is in. By instilling skills of diplomacy and negotiation in students, X-MUN hopes to create leaders for a better tomorrow.

X-MUN is the product of years of patience, deliberation and hard work, through which we hope to give you the tools to change history. How will you do it? That’s a question for you to answer through your performance at one of the many crises awaiting you at X-MUN 2024. We look forward to hosting your delegation.

Legatum Revixit, the legacy is revived,
Rohan Sen and Rian Hariani,
Co-Secretary Generals,
X-MUN ‘24.