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Chongqing Negotiations


Navigating the aftermath of the Second Sino-Japanese War and deliberating upon the political landscape of the country.


Power, Greed, Ambition and Hunger all find a home in the political hell scape of 1945 China. Where currently the fate of millions will be decided by a few. China exists in a transitory stage, a feeling of uneasiness and uncertainty engulfing the country in the buildup to this crucial meeting. After almost 2 decades of violence, political sabotage and merciless persecution, the final curtain has begun to descend on the millennia old land. As the two immensely powerful factions meet once more after a brutal 8 years, will they finally be able to put their differences aside and work for the betterment of their people? Or will the old rivalry rear its ugly head once more and force each side to administer their own form of justice? Kingdoms and empires, once great and mighty, have fallen to dust in this very land. Will you let that happen to your future? Prepare yourself for the Chongqing Negotiations, 1945.

Rohan Sen
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Akash Roy
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“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity”
- Sun Tzu


In a world where weakness is met with death, power is all consuming and fate is uncertain, you must drown out the chaos and seize every opportunity given to you. Chart your own fate and the future of millions at the Chongqing Negotiations, 1945. Welcome to the constant crisis committee of X-MUN 2024, where a single misstep will banish you to mediocrity, but play your cards right and you just might find yourself at the top of the world.

China in the 1940’s was a warzone. Fraught with one tragedy after another, the people fought to survive each day. The economy suffered and the once powerful government began to show its cracks. This committee will focus on intense debate and fast paced decision making. You as a delegate must learn how to navigate the murky waters of party politics and work in personal interest while attempting to negotiate a future for China and its people. Trust nobody as in this time even your closest ally might turn his back on you and his knife towards you. To survive is a layman’s job but to thrive is the essence of true success. I as the Chairperson sincerely hope you will find a way to balance your dual roles and will not lose either side of your being during the course of this dynamic committee.

So I invite you, your mission should you choose to accept it, is to build a suitable future for China and maintain your individual position. Are you up for the challenge?

Good Luck,
Rohan Sen and Akash Roy,
Chongqing Negotiations,
St. Xavier’s Collegiate School Model United Nations 2024.