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Historic Security Council


The situation in Kuwait.


You are hereby summoned to an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council to address the grave crisis unfolding in the Persian Gulf region. Just one week ago, on August 2nd, the world looked on in disbelief as Iraqi forces under the command of Saddam Hussein launched a shocking invasion of the sovereign nation of Kuwait. In a matter of hours, Kuwait's military was overwhelmed as Iraqi tanks and troops ‘purged and plundered’. Saddam Hussein has made the abhorrent claim that Kuwait is historically part of Iraq, using this as pretext to seize control of Kuwait's valuable oil reserves and strategic territories. As of this writing, Hussein shows no signs of withdrawing his occupying forces from Kuwait. You, a part of the international community as delegates of this UNHSC, must act decisively to address this flagrant violation of Kuwait's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Failure to condemn and counter Iraq's naked aggression would set a dangerous precedent that puts all UN member states at risk (or not, have a little fun).

You, the ambassadors of the UN Security Council, must navigate this crisis through principled deliberation and decisive action. The eyes of the world are upon you to uphold the UN Charter and core principles of international law (once again, or not, the world is literally your oyster).

Rian Hariani
Click on the picture to know more!
Aritra Mookherjee
Click on the picture to know more!



The last few years have been hard on us all. We’ve witnessed tragedies take place all around (like Harry Kane leaving Spurs for example) and we’ve grown stronger and overcome them in some instances (KKR won the IPL). Jokes aside, the very nature of global conflicts is such that it promotes cooperation among nations across the world. This has been an emerging pattern spanning decades.

You’ve often heard history repeats itself. In a similar tone, once more, the sands of the Persian Gulf region are stained crimson - echoing the harrowing crisis of 1990 (no points for guessing that is in fact the destination for our committee). So, humour us for a minute and travel back in time. Back to 1990.

The past few months have been tumultuous across the world. The Cold War's long shadow is barely receding. Civil war erupts in Rwanda while the Palestinian intifada rages on. Yugoslavia is on the brink of disintegration as is the previously understood world order. What the future holds will be decided by YOU in these hallowed halls of the UNSC (read: St. Xavier’s Collegiate School). With that we welcome you to the flagship committee of this year’s XMUN (you guessed it)- The United Nations Historic Security Council.

In the heart of Europe, the Iron Curtain crumbled, and the spectre of communism faded into the archives of history. Yet, even as we celebrate the triumph of democracy, the embers of conflict are sparked elsewhere. Open your eyes Delegates. Look at the Persian Gulf, where the ambitions of madmen lie unchecked; threatening to engulf the region in flames. Saddam Hussein's forces stormed across the Kuwaiti border, disregarding the sovereignty of a peaceful nation. Defiant in the face of international condemnation, he held an entire people hostage, their cries for freedom echoing through the desert sands.

For a delegate to truly lead and shape the course of these proceedings and muster their way to the best demands a formidable set of skills (believe me, we’ll test you on all of them). A well-researched grasp of not only your foreign policy but its implications in international law and diplomacy is paramount. But they say, knowledge alone is mere ornament without the substantive skills to wield it. The hallmark of this UNHSC’s best delegate lies in their ability to lobby, negotiate, and forge alliances across national lines and in one word- lead. For as we mentioned before, in unity born of discourse lies our greatest strength (unless your foreign policy disagrees in which disharmony is the tune of the land).

When the fires of conflict flare, it falls to the leading delegate to leverage every instrument at their disposal - speeches, communiques, updates, paperwork, even the Executive board- to its maximum strategic advantage. Only then can the turbulent roaring in the Persian Gulf be calmed. It was against this backdrop of upheaval and uncertainty that we, the members of the United Nations Security Council, were called upon to act. Our resolve was tested, and our principles were challenged. Today will the pattern of cooperation be sustained or is the future as unpredictable as a Shyamalan film – it’s yours to decide. Wield this power and wield it carefully.

Until Committee Begins,
Rian Hariani and Aritra Mookherjee,
United Nations Historic Security Council,
St. Xavier’s Collegiate School Model United Nations 2024.